Suddenly six months were gone. In may I got a new client, the swedish real estate agency Buy a Home Mallorca. I’ve been working with web and marketing. Mostly online stuff but also print.

I was nervous when I started. Not because I was thinking I couldn’t make it. But maybe I had got to used to working from home, deciding how and when I should work. Now I was supposed to sit at an office.

Turned out I liked it. Alot. I loved having co-workers, someone to grab a lunch with. And someone to discuss with. With MTC I’ve been mostly alone since Andreas has his training and alot of work with his coaching.


When I started we began to work on a huge project that still is a secret. We’ll launch it within a month and I can’t wait. In my head I’m already done and have gone on to new projects. But, we have to be patient and work hard.

I don’t know how much I will be at the agency in the future. I still want to work with MTC. We have really exiting stuff going on there to. But I really like it in the real estate world and I have the best colleges and boss. We’ll see.

Love the life as a free lancer.

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