
That's what goes through my brain when I think about my wedding season this far. It's been so much fun, I've met so many nice people and most of all, it's been a real dream creating all these beautiful photos and memories with my wedding couples. I've really been loving it!

I'm looking forward to August and September. Then I'm back in Mallorca after my Sweden trip, and Iäll be ready for my late summer weddings. Apparently September is the most popular month for wedding in Mallorca so I'm really looking forward to that!

In Sweden I'm going to film a wedding, in the very south of the long country, haha, and ater that I will be available to book for wedding videos for 2020. Also something I'm looking soo much forward to.

My website has not been working properly for a couple of weeks so I have not been able to blog or post anything in my portfolio but now it works better so finally I can show you some behind the scenes from one of my last weddings.

Frida and Jimmy got married in Alcanada. A really warm day but oh so stunning!

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