Photoshoot Pre Tri Camp Alcudia

Coaches Andreas Lindén, Jeff Frydenlund and I went to Alcudia to prepare the last things before our Triathlon Camp that will be held the week of Easter. The guys took a swim in the 18 degrees cold/warm water. It was surely stunning.





Still using Canon EOS 400D with the standard lens.



Jeff Frydenlund
Jeff Frydenlund & Andreas Lindén Andreas & Jeff Andreas Lindén och Jeff Frydenlund Alcudia Triathlon Camp Triathlonläger Brygga Alcudia Mallorca april 2014 Brygga Alcudia Mallorca april 2014 Alcudia Triathlon Camp Triathlonläger Alcudia Triathlon Camp Triathlonläger Alcudia Triathlon Camp Triathlonläger Alcudia Triathlon Camp Triathlonläger Alcudia Triathlon Camp Triathlonläger Alcudia Sunwing Triathlonläger

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