Today I attended my first brunch with the GGI-girls. I’ve missed out on the other brunches so I’m happy I could make it this time. Wine Industry in Santa Catalina was open for us only and the food was nice, though not a lot, but I had eaten so I was fine. The staff was very friendly as well.

Girl Gone International is an organization found across the world and it’s also an online magazine. All founded by Anne Scott that now also lives in Mallorca.She is super sweet and fun. We talked a bit about running your own company and the constant fear of one day ending up in jail cause you didn’t have your papers in order, haha.

Al though I thought I had ordered some kind of beet rot carpaccio I ended up with a gazpacho… Time for new glasses/contacts. Delicious (and beautiful) anyhow!

Now Andreas and I will take a stroll and catch the sunset.

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