After a race that did not turn out as we hoped for we returned to Mallorca.

We took some time off to go on a road trip through Europe on our way home. We decided to visit two of the best "vegan cities" Berlin and Turin. Unfortunately we just had time for maximum 2 restaurants per city but it was still fun and we will definitely return to Berlin soon.

Turin on the other hand scared us a lot. The traffic is insane and made us long for the "calm streets" of Palma... Don't want to generalize but Italians are WAY worse than Spaniards in the traffic, haha.

Anyways, we ate at Soul Food Kitchen and I can really recommend it. Lovely staff and nice food. 

We also made a stop at Lake Garda. Insanely beautiful. I want to go back and stay for a week.

So yeah, we crammed in a lot of things in one week. Fun, but way too intense. Too much car time. Next time we need at least 2 weeks.

Now we are back in Mallorca. Still 30+ degrees Celsius but I love it.

I'll try to blog more since I miss it. I have some fun projects going on that I would like to write about.


Photo stop in Berlin


Andreas wanted to stay at Lake Garda
Best carbonara in the world at Soul Food Kitchen in Turin.

I lived in these pants I got from my sister. Perfect for long car rides and a lot of food, haha.
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