Wedding invitations - Air plane/flight tickets

A friend asked me to design their wedding invitations as flight tickets, and I used some inspiration photos and then chose the colour of the wedding couples choice. Since the wedding was going to be held in Mallorca and the guests would be arriving by plane, the flight ticket idea was a brilliant choice.

Wedding invitations Mallorca
The cover.
Wedding invitations Mallorca
The inside. The "tickets" are sticking out of the envelope.
We used 3-4 tickets to fit all the info. But it's also possible to just use one and then ask the guests to visit your wedding website, which I also can help you with.
Wedding invitations Mallorca
The small map was a cute addition to the envelope.
Wedding invitations Mallorca
I'll design the tickets according to your wishes. Here we used a lot of elements, but it's possible to do it more airy and clean.
Wedding invitations Mallorca
We fit the most important info on the inside of the envelope.
Wedding invitations Mallorca
I'll help you find a print shop close to you.
Wedding invitations Mallorca
The final result!


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